Hello All! Get out and about this weekend! Come visit the Nancy Thomas Gallery! Three locations! Historic Yorktown ~ 301 Ballard S t Merchant's Square - Colonial Williamsburg ~ 407 W. Duke of Gloucester St A quaint little location i n cyber space @ www.nancythomasart.com Our Garden Party of Surprises is still up! Our guest artists have created inspired pieces to enhance your home and wardrobe! Our Williamsburg store may be small but it's HUGE in beauty and must-haves! Spring at the Gallery! Nancy's New Flowers! Nancy's New Flowers - they grew so tall! The vases are perfect for the new cut flowers! Come on in! Cement Chair by Diane Husson Personalities by e.l. myers - these are available online too! B.J. Elvgren - extraordinary textile artist Vivian Driskill - Stunning jewelry Noreen Dobratz - Clothing Designer Laura Thomas - Jewelry - Did you know each Kitchen Sink Necklace has...