HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! The galleries will be closed this Sunday in honour of Easter . We will be open Good Friday and Saturday with normal business hours. There are only two more days to take advantage of the March Manager's Specials and we only have a few of each left! Beaut iful prints from Nancy Thomas Origi nal Pain tings! "The Chase" "Natty When Necessary" "Opus Two" "THE CHASE!" 8x8 print on wood - $45 (regular retail $70) "NATTY WHEN NECESSARY" 8x8 print on metal-bound frame with star topper - $50 (reg. $85) "OPUS TWO" 21x21 framed print $99 (reg $175) Order online at nancythomasart.com C all or visit one of galleries! Historic Yorktown - 757-898-0738 Merchant's Square - 757-259-1938 AND DON'T FORGET!!! Saturday, April 20th, please join us for our Spring Event...