
Showing posts from March, 2013


HAPPY EASTER EVERYONE! The galleries will be closed this Sunday in honour of Easter .   We will be open Good Friday and Saturday  with normal business hours.     There are only two more days to take advantage of the March Manager's Specials and we only have a few of each left! Beaut iful prints from  Nancy Thomas Origi nal Pain tings! "The Chase" "Natty When Necessary" "Opus Two" "THE CHASE!" 8x8 print on wood - $45 (regular retail $70) "NATTY WHEN NECESSARY" 8x8 print on metal-bound frame with star topper - $50 (reg. $85) "OPUS TWO" 21x21 framed print $99 (reg $175) Order online at C all or visit one of galleries! Historic Yorktown - 757-898-0738 Merchant's Square - 757-259-1938 AND DON'T FORGET!!! Saturday, April 20th, please join us for our Spring Event...


  We are sprucing up the galleries and grounds  and making room for new items and we need your help! Please join us THURSDAY, MARCH 21st through SUNDAY, MARCH 24th  as we do our SPRING CLEANING! We are offering 20% off all in-store, in-stock items including already reduced pieces ! We are serious about making room for new and wonderful things! All purchases over $50 will receive a free gift! AND  save your receipt! because receipts for purchases over $50 will become your $10 redeemable coupon  off purchases of $20 or more made between March 25th and March 30th! Whew...that's a lot of Spring Cleaning! So here's the FINE PRINT... 20% off is for IN-STORE, IN-STOCK items only ~ Sale INCLUDES already reduced pieces ~ Sale EXCLUDES originals, antiques, furnishings, rugs, lamps, and wine) ~ Free Gift for purchases $50 or more, while they last, one per customer ~ $10. redeemable coupon receipt is created by purchas...


We just love weekends!  AND you may have noticed, we get more excited every day with the onset of spring! Be sure to mark your calendars for our  SPRING EVENT and WINE TASTING! Saturday April 20th, 2013 .   Stay tuned to this blog and  our facebook page for details ! But until then...we'd like to spread the good feelings by offering you another manager's special! Natty When Necessary! $50 (regular retail $85) The March Hare is back! And he feels being smart and fashionable is ALWAYS necessary! A perfect gift for the fashionista in your life! This CLASSIC print is the detail of Nancy's original March Hare painting. We are offering it to you mounted on a metal-bound 8x8 frame topped with a hand-painted metal star! There is a limited quantity and this will be first come, first served. If you are not able to visit the beautiful Merchant's Square or Historic Yorktown Galleries, you may visit our online gallery.  And ...


We have a great weekend planned at the Nancy Thomas Gallery! At all THREE locations! Historic Yorktown Merchant's Square-Colonial Williamsburg  AND our online shopping cart Our galleries are offering TWO special pieces ~ First up ~  The Chase!  Nancy's salute to March! Bicyle Boy racing down the lane being chased by his faithful doggie! Both excited because Spring is in the air! We have a limited number of 8x8 prints mounted on a wooden frame and SIGNED BY NANCY! The Chase! Signed by Nancy - Special Price $45. (regular retail $70) Next ~ "Opus Two" A very sophisticated lot indeed...and at a very sophisticated price ~ This print is framed in a classic black 21x21 frame - very limited quantity! ONLY 8 available at this price! Opus Two - Special Price $99 (regular retail $175) These two specials are available in our gallery locations only and will be considered final sale. We'd ...


Can you feel it? Well...we can't really either yet, but SPRING IS COMING!  And even though we can't quite feel it outside, we are going to start prepping our gallery and grounds for its arrival! We think you could too! First up - a bright and kicky print from Nancy's design team - the spring apple is framed in a 21x21 black and white checked signature Nancy Thomas frame. This print will instantly S PRING U P any room! We have 10 available at the special spring price of $85 which INCLUDES SHIPPING! see for details and discount code! 21x21 framed apple print - $85 INCLUDES SHIPPING - discount code needed Also available are Nancy's new BIRD'S TALK!  There are currently four in the series -  The Cardinal The Goldfinch The Indigo Bunting The Northern Flicker Mounted on 11x14 wooden frames - these birds will tell you all about themselves! And Spring is a great time to start your collect...