JULY 2018
ALL THE FUN IS AT www.NANCYTHOMASGALLERY.com NEW ITEMS! We are so pleased with these new items! Gallery Beach Towels and Gallery Shower Curtains! P ATRIOTIC PRINT COLLECTION Sunday, July 1 - Wednesday, July 4th Buy 1, Get 1 at 30% off - enter code PATRIOTIC30 at check out. OUR FRAGRANT SOAPS & POWDERS ARE BACK! Sunday, July 1 - Saturday, July 7th save 20%. No code needed. 15 x 15 PRINT SPECIAL - While they last... Select 15x15 prints priced at $99.00. (originally $165.00) The selections are random, so have fun! JULY STATE SPECIAL - All Month Long! Special pricing on Nancy Thomas State prints. Nice price for July on New York, Idaho and Wyoming.