OCTOBER 19th, 1781 - YORKTOWN, VA It was on this day that British General Charles Cornwallis surrendered to Commander-in-Chief of the Continental Army, George Washington. The British troops marched up Surrender Road to a big field and laid down their arms. Some cursed, some cried, but for the soon-to-be-called "Americans", the victory was sweet! This event effectively ended the Revolutionary War, and gave us our Freedom! Every year, the people of Yorktown remember this important day in history with a celebration. Having lived in and been inspired by the town of York, for over 45 years, Nancy Thomas could not have been a more perfect artist to have been commissioned by The Yorktown Day Committee to create the OFFICIAL Yorktown Day Celebration POSTER, for 5 years in a row! In this election year, and always, we at The Nancy Thomas Gallery encourage American's to reflect on our roots of freedom... Friday, October 19th through Monday, October 22nd, we offer ...