We have news! After many years, we are relocating our CORPORTE OFFICES and HEADQUARTERS. (not the shops...they are staying put) While we are excited that we are relocating to a nice, new, shiny, gleaming building, we also realize we have to....well, move. Who reading this, has ever moved? Show of hands? The thrill and excitement about the new place can be a little overshadowed while in the actual process of moving. The packing, the lugging, the sorting, the shlepping...ugh... And when you've been in a place as long as we have, there are bound to be many items tucked away, long forgotten... "Oh, THERE'S that allen wrench!" It's exciting and daunting at the same time. So what does this announcement mean for you, you ask? Well, in our desire to lessen our load for the move, YOU will benefit greatly! And we've decided to make a game out of it. We're calling it "Look What We Found!" Here's how we'll...